An application for tree works has been approved by the Local Planning Authority for the removal and/or works to trees in the conservation area. It will be necessary to remove 4 trees; 2 due to poor health and 2 to facilitate the leisure centre demolition and construction. These trees are categorised as having a low quality or being in such a condition that they cannot be realistically retained in the long term (beyond ten years). The tree removal is unavoidable given the scale and nature of the works.
All tree work will be carried out above ground and in order to avoid disturbance to potential archaeological remains on the site, the tree stumps of the 4 trees will be left in place until post demolition archaeological evaluation, as agreed with Greater London Archaeology Advisory Service, has taken place. At this point in time an assessment can be made of the suitability to remove the stumps.
In line with the council’s tree replacement policy 2 trees will be planted to replace each tree lost.
A further 6 trees require pruning.
The work will take place before the bird nesting season.