Read the most recent updates about the Transform Kingston programme.

Designs revealed and construction partner on board for new leisure centre in Kingston town centre

The council is on track with its revised timetable and has made swift progress to design a new, affordable leisure centre for Kingston town centre. The leisure centre will deliver the range of activities that residents and stakeholders said they wanted to see, in a...

Delivering affordable new homes for vulnerable residents – progress on Acre Road

The council is focused on continuing its work to ensure that Kingston is a fairer place, meaning that every resident is supported when needed throughout their lifetime. An important part of increasing opportunities for a happy and healthy life is working to meet the...

Council sets out ambition to revitalise Kingston’s Ancient Market Place

Kingston Council has announced proposals to revitalise the town’s Ancient Market Place to create a year-round cultural and commercial destination that celebrates the area’s unique heritage and character.   The Ancient Market Place is the historic heart of Kingston...

Next steps forward for new leisure centre – delivering the facilities residents want within an affordable budget

Following the successful public exhibitions earlier this year, Kingston Council’s Place Committee (14 March) will be asked to approve the next steps for the project. The Committee is being asked for their agreement to proceed to the next design stages, which will...

Safeguarding the long term future of Kingston’s historic Guildhall building

Kingston Council is exploring opportunities to safeguard the future of the historic Guildhall, whilst increasing public access, updating civic facilities and improving spaces for service delivery.  The council is committed to retaining the Guildhall and is working...

Investment in the borough’s public spaces continues, with plans for Memorial Gardens taking next step forward

Kingston Council and Kingston First are continuing their partnership to improve spaces across Kingston town centre. Proposed plans look to enable greater access and enjoyment of our green and riverfront spaces, where everyone can unwind and connect with nature. Local...

Kingston Council puts forward plans to deliver affordable new homes for vulnerable residents

The council is focused on continuing to make Kingston a fairer place, by ensuring that every resident is supported and has increased opportunities for a happy and healthy life. An important part of this is working to meet the growing housing needs and aspirations of...

Next steps announced for revised leisure and community centre proposals

Over the last three months, the council has been working at pace to undertake a thorough review of the new leisure and community centre in Kingston, including the facilities that will be available. The complex will deliver the range of activities that residents and...

Investment in the borough’s public spaces continues, with Eagle Brewery Wharf and Memorial Gardens plans taking next step forward

Kingston Council and Kingston First are continuing their partnership to transform two spaces across Kingston town centre into places where everyone can unwind, enjoy and connect with nature. The first of these is Eagle Brewery Wharf, where landscape architects Farrer...

Progress being made on leisure complex programme

Swift progress being made on revised programme for community leisure facility A new roadmap to the delivery of Kingston’s new community leisure facility will be presented at the council’s Place Committee on 20th June 2023. Following our difficult decision last month...